The fourth installment of Ryohei Kimura’s variety show, “Kimura Ryohei’s Kimuraism,” is here with Yoshimasa Hosoya as a guest.
Popular seiyuu and YouTuber Yoshimasa Hosoya is the guest for Kimuraism, variety show hosted by popular seiyuu, narrator and YouTuber Ryohei Kimura.
Kimura Ryohei’s Kimuraism IV is scheduled to be released on 24/11/2023 on DVD.
For this volume, Kimura is joined by Yoshimasa Hosoya as they experience “Billiards” and “Whisky” together!
Under the guidance of a professional instructor, they take on the challenge of playing billiards and learning about whisky. They also attempt Instagram-worthy photo sessions with the guidance of a pro photographer.
Will they succeed in capturing the perfect Instagram-worthy photos?
The DVD includes plenty of footage showing them experiencing “grown-up hobbies” while engaging in private conversations. This two-disc set promises an enjoyable and immersive experience.
Yuto Uemura is in charge of narration.
A promotional photo is out.
Three promotional videos are out. Check them out below!
Kimura Ryohei’s Kimuraism Vol.4 is available for purchase at CDJAPAN.