Hoshokai announced that Yoshimasa Seiyuu is going to collaborate for a special play.
Hoshokai, school of Hosho-style Noh – one of the oldest and most respected Noh schools in Japan – announced a special Noh + live reading event to take place at Hosho Style in Tokyo on 24/04/2020.
Yoshimasa Hosoya will contribute with live reading for the special Noh play that will be performed on stage.
オンラインチケット(https://t.co/El7MdBdtjy)、宝生会お電話(03-3811-4843)、事務局窓口にて発売開始です。 pic.twitter.com/MCdrhU3xUR— 宝生会 (@hoshokai159) December 28, 2019
Tickets are already available on Hoshokai’s official website.
For more details on this reading play, please refer to the official website (link below).
SOURCE: Hoshokai official website