Scat Babys Show!!, radio show hosted by Wataru Hatano and Takuya Sato, is going to have a theme song.
It was announced yesterday that Wataru Hatano and Takuya Sato are going to perform the theme song for their award winning radio show, Scat Babys Show!!.
“Wataru Hatano & Takuya Sato no Scat Babys Show!! Theme Song「Scat Babys Show!!」” is scheduled to be released on 22/08/2018, available in a CD + DVD edition.
The tracklist is the following:
01.Scat Babys Show!! 02.Scat Babys Show!! (Instrumental) 03.スペシャルラジオトーク (Special Radio Talk)
The title track was written and composed by Yoshiharu Shiina from SURFACE, legendary Japanese pop-rock duo.
The DVD includes the public recording from a special show held on March 3, 2018. It includes backstage footage however, all live performance (songs) footage won’t be included.
More details on this release are going to be unveiled in the upcoming months. Be on the look out for more updates from us.
Source: MOCA news