The newest single of the unit series is out. In Uta no Prince-sama ♪ Maji LOVE Kingdom Special Unit Drama CD Masato, Camus, Eiji, the trio brings once again powerful vocals and captivating instrumental piece to the series.

Title: Uta no Prince-sama ♪ Maji LOVE Kingdom Special Unit Drama CD Masato, Camus, Eiji Release date: 16/01/2019 Label: Broccoli Genre: J-Pop
1 - Feather in the hand 2 - 緊張と不安 [DRAMA] 3 - 意外なコーヒーブレイク [DRAMA] 4 - 新たなハーモニー [DRAMA] 5 - 最高の景色 [DRAMA] 6 - Feather in the hand (off vocal)
Track by track analysis:
1- Feather in the hand
This track promises a melodic and orchestral approach with a joint performance off some other elements that even still bring forth the “sound” that is so characteristic to each character. The mid-tempo instrumental piece has quite an interesting layering to it. What starts off as a simple strings performance and piano accapella later on turns into a complex yet not overcrowded instrumental piece. The melodic piano and dramatic strings bring this song’s instrumental piece to a different dimension than the rest of Feather in the hand, a heavier and perhaps more emotional.
It is not often that one has the chance to listen a decent song with a piano and strings mixed with a more rock sound as one can find in this track. The bass and guitar are certainly the main attraction in this department as they are the bridge between the more orchestral instruments. This track has a certain hint of the more dramatic rock, especially when the strings play at the same time as the guitar. Feather in the hand has the perfect balance between melodic and drama, and therefore, instrumental wise, there is nothing bad to point out, although the chorus could have had a different twist to it. Rather than that, this track has brought to the unit series a different “sound”.
When it comes to the vocal performance, one cannot phantom how a quality trio could ever fail in their performance. Suzumura, Maeno and Yuma are top vocals status and the performance they gave in Feather in the hand was according to the expectation. Despite the initial concerns about Maeno’s performance, the vocals did not have nothing to complain about. It is by known that more often than some might like Maeno is told to sing in a overly dramatic manner as that fits his character, so when in this trio there might have been some resistance from people that do not enjoy that in a song, even less when there is two more people singing in the same track. About Yuma and Suzumura one cannot say enough about their performance. Suzumura was as stable as ever with his mid tone vocals and comfortable performance, but the stage changes when one has to talk about Yuma, the gem in this track. Each time it is his part to since there is a different flavor added to the track, so it is virtually impossible to miss him.
Second to Egoistic, Feather in the hand is one of the best tracks released so far in this unit series
Final rating:
Unit 3‘s CD is available for purchase at CDJAPAN.
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[…] Uta no Prince-sama ♪ Maji LOVE Kingdom Special Unit Drama CD Masato, Camus, Eiji has a bit over 9.000 copies sold in two weeks. We reviewed this release. You can find our review HERE. […]
[…] We reviewed this release. You can find our review HERE. […]