Unicorn Jr.’s new single “F.A” is just around the corner. The seiyuu unit consisting of Shouta Aoi, Chiharu Sawashiro and Toshiyuki Sumeya bring us their 3rd single that promisses to take Unicorn Jr. to new heights. More details below.
“F.A” is scheduled to be released on 13/03/2016, available in three editions: Unicorn Jr., Tsubasa and Teruma, Alto and Teruma.
The single digest video is already out on Rejet‘s official youtube channel.
The cover art is the following for each edition:
The tracklist is the following:
1 - F.A
2 - Unlimited Saga
3 - in my youth
4 - ヒトカケラ
All the snippets are available on Pitagoras Production official website.
“F.A” is already available for pre-order on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.