Toshiki Masuda‘s serialization corner, featured on Voice Animage, is going to be released as a book.
遊々自適 (Yuyujiteki), serialization corner that Masuda has been writing for Voice Animage, is going to be published as a personal book titled 増田俊樹パーソナルBOOK まるごと遊々自適 (Masuda Toshiki Personal BOOK Marugoto to Yuyujiteki), and scheduled to be released on 19/03/2019.
This book is going to include all serialization entries released so far, as well as unpublished photos taken in Masuda’s hometown, Hiroshima.
Pre-orders at Animate come with an exclusive school calendar.
Masuda Toshiki Personal BOOK Marugoto to Yuyujiteki is currently unavailable for pre-order at CDJAPAN.