“Top 20 most popular male seiyuu by overseas fans” our reply to Charapedia’s poll

thtf hq top 20 most popular male seiyuu

Top 20 Most Popular Male Seiyuu is our official reply to Charapedia. This is an annual poll we wish it to be a reference for overseas fans.

Every year, the famous Japanese anime character database “Charapedia” asks more than 10.000 fans who are their favorite seiyuu. The results from those polls are considered domestically and overseas as a reference, a good indicator into who are the most popular seiyuu in Japan. But there’s nothing like that or at least on that scale overseas.

So what did we at THE HAND THAT FEEDS HQ think?

Since overseas fans often don’t vote for Charapedia‘s polls because: they either don’t know about them, think it’s too complicated to vote or maybe, even sometimes, it happens that the voting is not open to overseas fans, or because there’s nothing on this scale overseas, we have decided to create this poll.

This might be the question popping into some of you reading this right now. While this necessarily doesn’t benefit anyone, this poll and the final top 20 poll will give us, overseas fans, a look into who are the most popular seiyuu outside of Japan and believe us, the final results will be slightly different.

We believe that creating a Top 20 most popular male seiyuu by overseas fans is not only an opportunity for overseas fans to be heard, but also a way to reply to the results from Charapedia‘s annual polls and tops.

We’d love to have this poll reach out to 10000 fans just like Charapedia‘s but we know well enough that the seiyuu fandom is more spread out and quiet overseas in comparison with the domestic fandom. Still, we’re ambitious and hope to luckly have around 600 to 1000 fans’ unique votes to make the results to this poll look credible.

Do you want to help us create a large scale and credible poll like Charapedia‘s? This is your chance to voice your opinion and make this poll and its final results, a trustworthy and valid example of overseas fans’ opinions!

What do you need to do?

It’s simple. We need you to answer the following question:

Who is your favorite seiyuu?

The rest is up to you. Out of the 30 seiyuu (you can add others to the poll) we have featured on this list, you’re free to vote on your absolute favorite. This top is all about popularity so we want to know who is that seiyuu that makes you watch everything he’s in, that seiyuu that you regard as the best in the business or simply the one that made you fall in love with seiyuu.

Vote, share this post and make sure to anticipate the final results!

Please read the FAQ’s for more information regarding this poll, all important information about the voting system and due dates is there. After that, we have the voting form ready for you! Don’t forget to vote and share! Thanks in advance!


When can I start voting for this poll?

You can start voting on 01/11/2017 at 00:00 a.m. WET (we’re based in Lisbon, Portugal so we’ll be following that timezone).

Until when is the voting open?

The voting will be open for 2 weeks. It closes on 15/11/2017 at 00:00 a.m. WET.

When will the results be revealed?

We’ll announce the results 5 days after the end of the poll.

How many times am I allowed to vote?

You can only vote once. We’re following Charapedia’s voting system.

How many seiyuu can I vote for?

You can vote on 1 seiyuu.

Will you provide updates on the current top seiyuu like you did in the past?

We won’t provide any updates on the poll’s votings. We believe that it’s best to leave that kind of information withheld. But we’ll do daily remainders to vote on our poll.

Is this a one time thing or is the poll/top going to make a comeback in upcoming years?

This is going to be an annual feature on our website as a response to the Charapedia‘s Japanese-only poll.

I don’t see my favorite seiyuu among the list of seiyuu up for voting, what should I do?

We tried to add as many seiyuu as we could to this poll (but polldaddy blocks it when we reach 30 options) so, if someone is missing (of course it is missing), you can suggest their name in the “others” option by the end of the poll.  Remember that that suggestion will count as a vote from you so you’ll be blocked from voting again.

If you suggest the name we’ll then collect every vote and compile them so don’t worry, we aren’t forgetting about those seiyuu, we simply can’t feature them all on this poll + it’s virtually impossible to feature every single name on our poll.

Can I promote this poll on my social media? / I’m a seiyuu fanpage admin, can I share this poll?

Yes, you can! We’ll be incredibly thankful if people spread the word about this poll. You’re free to reach out to your favorite seiyuu fanpages across the web and promote this. Let us know in the comments section below where you’ve shared our poll, if we’re on that same social media platform (as the one in which you’ve shared our poll), we’ll make sure to give a shout out to you!

I’ve got a question, how can I reach you?

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask them on our comments section or even send us a private message on facebook or mention us on twitter. We’ll make sure to get back at you as fast as we can to solve any issue you might have. An important note: we won’t reply to questions that are already answered on this FAQ. Please refrain from making malicious comments about seiyuu as well.

Without further ado, here’s the seiyuu list:

[polldaddy poll=9780697]

If the poll above fails to load on your browser please vote through this direct link HERE.

Thanks for voting and don’t forget to spread the word about it!

Use our sharing buttons bellow! Sharing is caring!

Vanessa Silva
Vanessa Silvahttps://www.handthatfeedshq.com
The Hand That Feeds HQ founder, content creator, and music reviewer. Basically, the only person managing everything at The Hand That Feeds HQ. Stumbling upon Mamoru Miyano's "Orpheus" in 2011 was the start of this journey. If music is thought-provoking or deep, you may find her writing almost essays (not limited to, but it happens a lot with Soma Saito's music). She's the producer and host of the male seiyuu-centric podcast, SEIYUU LOUNGE (see Spotify link in this profile).

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  1. Mamoru Miyano appears on the list twice. He’s an amazing seiyuu but isn’t that a tad unfair, hehe? (●´ϖ`●)

    • Typo on the list. Regardless of the typo, it’s not unfair since you can type literally any name you want on the “others” section.

    • It does kind of make it seem like people are more likely to see his name then and be influenced by that, and/or not be at risk of overlooking him the way they might one of their other favorites. Would give another seiyuu a bit more visibility on the list if their name could be switched out with one of his entries.

  2. Bom dia !
    A lista dos seyuus para a votação não aparece aqui . Já tentei no Firefox e no Chrome e não aparece .

    • Já verifiquei tudo, tratava-se de um problema no código da votação, a mesma já deve estar funcionar para ti. Se não der e mesmo assim quiseres votar por favor visita este link directo para a votação http://poll.fm/5tmu1. Não te esqueças de partilhar o nosso artigo no fim da votação! 🙂


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