Tasuku Hatanaka to host special event in March

tasuku hatanaka 2017

Lantis has announced that Tasuku Hatanaka is going to host a special event next month.

The 23 year old made his solo debut last year with “STAND UP“. Soon after the release, Hatanaka went on hiatus. To celebrate one year since the release of his debut single – that was first premiered at Kenpro Festival 2017 in March despite the single only have been released in July -, he is going to host a special event.

TASUKU HATANAKA 1st ANNIVERSARY ~Road to STAND UP~ is going to be held at HUMVEE HALL in Tokyo on 18/03/2018. It’s rumored that there’ll be an announcement on further plans for his solo career.

Information about the location, ticketing and pre-sales can be found on the link below.

 SOURCE: Lantis official website

Vanessa Silva
Vanessa Silvahttps://www.handthatfeedshq.com
The Hand That Feeds HQ founder, content creator, and music reviewer. Basically, the only person managing everything at The Hand That Feeds HQ. Stumbling upon Mamoru Miyano's "Orpheus" in 2011 was the start of this journey. If music is thought-provoking or deep, you may find her writing almost essays (not limited to, but it happens a lot with Soma Saito's music). She's the producer and host of the male seiyuu-centric podcast, SEIYUU LOUNGE (see Spotify link in this profile).

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  1. “Soon after the release, Hatanaka went on hiatus.” i’m sorry to point this out, but with the way you worded that it almost sounds like he didnt get any work for the rest of the year while he actually did narration and seiyuu work as well. i know you probably mean ‘music hiatus’ but i think it’s a little bit misleading saying he went on /hiatus/, just because he didnt release another single in 2017 (which is totally normal, considering some seiyuu release singles every 1-2 years sometime). he’s still a seiyuu, after all.

    • First of all, thanks for your comment.

      In our defense: that wording is far from misleading. The article is obviously related to his singing career so we could only be talking about that. For anyone that visits this website it’s easy to notice that we don’t delve into anything besides the singing careers of seiyuu (there’s already ANN to cover those news). Additionally, anyone that follows his career knows what we’re talking about – even if it’s their time visiting our website and don’t know what our focus is.

      Although you had good intentions with this comment (if there was a mistake from us to correct we’d have it corrected in no time), you should have read carefully what we wrote and without trying to find any malice in our article (just a side note, everyone at THTFHQ loves Tasuku).

      We mentioned his single and the fact that after that, he went radio silent as a solo artist. Totally acceptable because everyone knows that seiyuu have more to do than just being singers.
      The period without releasing a single + no activity related to his solo career is called a “hiatus”, it’s that simple of a word. There’s nothing misleading about it and the wording is far from meaning he didn’t have any work outside of his singing career. If you read the whole paragraph there’s no way you’ll be mislead, now, with the way you isolated that simple phrase, yes, it’s misleading, but we didn’t write only that on the article. We mentioned earlier the debut and then provided proper background info to justify what we wrote.

      We understand you’re being protective of Tasuku but please refrain from reading too much into it. We only report news and inform people of past activities (if necessary on these kinds of articles), never did we badmouth someone’s career, specific seiyuu nor mislead anyone with our articles, that’s a tabloid’s job, not ours.


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