Takuya Eguchi‘s TV show, hosted alongside Koutaro Nishiyama, “Eguchi Takuya no Oretachi Datte Iyasaretai” (Oreiya) is going to be released on DVD next year.
The TV show is going to be released on DVD in 2018. 12 episodes are split into 4 DVDs. The dates of release are the following for each volume:
- The first volume includes episodes 1 to 3 and is set to be released on 23/03/2018.
- The second volume includes episodes 4 to 6 and is set to be released on 27/04/2018.
- The third volume includes episodes 7 to 9 and is set to be released on 25/05/2018.
- The fourth and final volume includes episodes 10 to 12 and is set to be released on 29/06/2018.
All DVDs come with special footage + booklet.
Eguchi Takuya no Oretachi Datte Iyasaretai‘s DVDs are already available for pre-order on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.
SOURCE: Animate