The fellow 81 Produce talents teamed up for their first joint variety show.
江口拓也と神尾晋一郎のお休みイタダキマシタ! (Eguchi Takuya to Kamio Shinichiro no Oyasumi itadakimashita!) is produced by Cartoon Network Japan and started airing on dTV on 24/11/2019.
The show took Takuya Eguchi and Shinichiro Kamio on a special vacation.
Several promotional photos are out.

The show is comprised of two episodes. The first one aired on 24/11/2019 and the last one airs today, 08/12/2019.
For more details on this show, please refer to the Cartoon Network Japan and dTV’s twitter accounts (link below).
SOURCES: Cartoon Network Japan official twitter account / dTV official twitter account