Tag: Dameraji

Dameraji’s “Yuttari Shite Ku?” event to be released on Blu-ray

Dameraji's first event in 3 years "Yuttari Shi Te Ku?" is getting a release on Blu-ray in April 2023.

Damejanai radio’s public recording cancelled

Fret not! Dameraji's Soma Saito and Kaito Ishikawa will meet fans in a different format than the...

Multiple seiyuu events cancelled due to Coronavirus concerns

Japan’s seiyuu and anime scene is going dark in the upcoming weeks.

Movic release promotional video for Dameraji’s “Toriaezu Highball” Blu-ray

Movic released a promotional video for the upcoming Dameraji Blu-ray. 斉藤壮馬・石川界人のダメじゃないラジオ“とりあえずハイボール” (Saito Soma, Ishikawa Kaito no Damejanai radio...

Dameraji’s “Toriaezu Highball” event to be released on Blu-ray

Last month's Dameraji event is going to be released on Blu-ray. 斉藤壮馬・石川界人のダメじゃないラジオ“とりあえずハイボール” (Saito Soma, Ishikawa Kaito no Damejanai...
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