Tag: arts

OLDCODEX “A Silent, within The Roar” – Bonus revealed

To be released in a few days is OLDCODEX new album.「A Silent, within The Roar」scheduled to hit...

OLDCODEX “A Silent, within The Roar” – Details unveiled

OLDCODEX, rock band fronted by seiyuu Tatsuhisa Suzuki a.k.a Ta_2, unveiled more information regarding their new album...

OLDCODEX unveil the title of the new album

Bringing us new music in 2014 is OLDCODEX, the rock band fronted by seiyuu Tatsuhisa Suzuki a.k.a...

GRANRODEO – “The other self” (review)

Japan's finest GRANRODEO are back with their 20th single. The Japanese hardrockers fronted by seiyuu Kishow Taniyama...

Daisuke Kishio「0F~Love Forever~」full PV available

「0F~Love Forever~」, the first single from veteran seiyuu Daisuke Kishio is finally out! The clearly rock oriented single...

GRANRODEO new single「The Other self」PV preview

Earlier this month it was announced the GRANRODEO, band fronted by the seiyuu KISHOW Taniyama, would be...

Daisuke Kishio releases preview of “0F〜Love forever〜” music video

Daisuke Kishio is going to release a new rock single this October. The music video for the...

Hiroshi Kamiya & Daisuke Ono to release “Glow my way”

Hiroshi Kamiya and Daisuke Ono, who are both prolific seiyuu, are set to release a new single...
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