Soma Saito‘s “Healthy, Cultural Bare-minimum Living” serialization column is going to be published as a book this October. There are updates on the release events planned to promote the book.
“Healthy, Cultural Bare-minimum Living” (健康で文化的な最低限度の生活), column Saito has been writing for KIKI-VOICE/Voice Newtype, is going to be published as an essay book on 31/10/2018.
“Healthy, Cultural Bare-minimum Living” will count with a total of 168 pages (A5 size) and is going to include all essays + photos released so far in his serialization column. The cover will count with an illustration by Ishii Hiroyuki (check the official website for a snippet of the cover illustration).
There are a total of two events scheduled to promote this release.

The first event is titled 斉藤壮馬のよもやま話 (Saito Soma’s Tale) and is going to be held on 08/12/2018 at Kinokuniya Bookstore Shinjuku Main Store in Tokyo. There is going to be a lottery to win tickets for the event (to participate, the book must have been pre-ordered or purchased at Kinokuniya). This is going to be a talk event.
The second event is going to be held on 15/12/2018. At the moment, the location isn’t determined, but it will be somewhere around Tokyo’s metropolitan area (as it is mentioned on the KIKI-VOICE’s website). The event is titled 斉藤壮馬の音読レッスン (Saito Soma’s Reading Lesson) and will count with Saito live reading passages from “Healthy, Cultural Bare-minimum Living” chosen by his readers. Those who pre-order his book from Animate until September will be eligible for lottery to win tickets for this event.
More details on both events can be found HERE.