Popular seiyuu and singer-songwriter Soma Saito celebrates his 32nd birthday with the announcement of the release of “Soma Saito Video Clips 2017-2022“, music video compilation BD/DVD.
“Soma Saito Video Clips 2017-2022” is scheduled to be released on 07/06/2023, available on Blu-ray and DVD.
The cover art is the following for each version:
This release includes Soma Saito’s Debut 5th Anniversary Online Live, all the music videos released until 2022 as well as an exclusive interview with Saito about his 5th anniversary as a solo artist.
The contents – common to both editions – are the following:
Part 1 – Soma Saito’s Debut 5th Anniversary Online Live
1 - ラプソディ・インフェルノ
2 - ペトリコール
3 - レミニセンス
4 -carpool
5 - デート
6 - パレット
7 - デラシネ
Part 2 – Music Clips Collection
フィッシュストーリー (Fish Story) 夜明けはまだ (Yoake wa mada) ヒカリ断ツ雨 (Hikari tatsu ame) デート (Date) デラシネ (Deraciné) 結晶世界 (Kessho Sekai) memento エピローグ -short ver.- (Epilogue - short version-) ペトリコール (Petrichor) Summerholic! パレット (Palette) carpool 幻日 (Genjitsu) mirrors
Part 3 – Exclusive Interview
Interview -5th Anniversary-
Snippets of ラプソディ・インフェルノ (Rhapsody Inferno), “Date”, “Petrichor”, “Reminiscence”, and “Palette” are out. Check it out in the tweet below!
All music videos are also available for free on Soma Saito’s official YouTube channel (and yes, finally for international fans that had most of these region-blocked).
Those are the following per release date:
Pre-orders and first press editions at CDJAPAN come with the following bonuses:
First Press Detail | case |
External Bonus | a photo |
More details on this release are going to be unveiled in the upcoming months.
A note that, in 2022, Saito kicked off the year with the mindblowing surrealistic EP “my beautiful valentine” and wrapping up, he went darker and darker with “Yin/Yang“, reflecting on the weight of Impostor Syndrome in its leading track “mirrors”.
“Soma Saito Video Clips 2017-2022” is available for purchase at CDJAPAN.