Joining the other Tsukino-Pro‘s artists making a comeback in March is SOARA. The talented unit is back with a new single. Tsukino-Pro has finally updated details regarding this release.
The new single is titled “Wonder Wand” and is set to be released on 24/03/2017.
The cover art is the following:
The tracklist includes 1 song and instrumental plus four drama tracks. The complete tracklist is the following:
1:ドラマ「朝、おはようございます」 2:ドラマ「いつかの場所」 3:ドラマ「ライブの舞台裏(望のハンディカメラにて)」 4:ドラマ「さぁ、声を出していこう!」 5:Wonder Wand 6:Wonder Wand -off vocal-
Tsukino-Pro has updated a digest video for this single on this official youtube channel.
SOARA‘s unit single series is available for pre-order on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.