Restrictions in Japan due to the rising number of cases of Covid-19 are leading to a wave of postponement and/or cancellation of events.
Unfortunately, Shunichi Toki‘s fans will have to wait to meet him in the special reading event – Shunichi Toki Special Reading Live 2021-True Gazer-.
The event was originally going to be held on 24/01/2021 at Shinjuku Bunka Center in Tokyo and was recently postponed to 13/06/2021, with the location changing to Yamano Beauty College in Tokyo.
This postponement is due to the recent rise of the number of Covid-19 cases in Japan. To avoid the spread, events originally set to be held in the first months of the year are being postponed and or cancelled.
The announcement was made on Shunichi Toki’s official artist twitter account.
For more details on this postponement, please refer to the official website (link below).
SOURCE: Shunichi Toki official website