Shunichi Toki and Junta Terashima team up for a special collaboration live event taking place this October.
土岐隼一と寺島惇太のナイトメア・ビフォア・ハロウィーン!! (Nightmare Before Halloween by Shunichi Toki and Junta Terashima!!) is going to take place at Yamano Hall in Tokyo on 30/10/2021.
This is the first time that Shunichi Toki and Junta Terashima collaborate as solo artists.
The event is Halloween-themed and according to PONY CANYON, the event will include mini-live shows by both artists as well as a talk corner that will highlight their close friendship.
The event is going to include talk and live corners for its 2 sessions – afternoon and evening. There are no plans for a livestream.
Tickets can be found via eplus. For more details please refer to the official Shunichi Toki website (link below).
Source: Shunichi Toki official website