Fresh out of releasing one of the best solo debut albums in the past decade, Shoya Chiba is set to release his 1st single “Contrail” in August.
Shoya Chiba recently made his solo debut under King Amusement Creative with the 1st EP “Blessing” in 2024. It was followed by the 1st single “Contrail” still in the same year and “Harmonize“, his 1st digital single released in January 2025.
1st full-length album details
Still untitled, Shoya Chiba’s 1st album is scheduled to be released in 2025 in a date to be confirmed.
The announcement was made during Shoya Chiba’s 1st solo artist anniversary live stream on YouTube as well as on his official artist Twitter/X account:
千葉翔也 アーティスト活動新情報③ 千葉翔也 初となる ファーストアルバムの制作決定 現在鋭意制作中 詳細は後日発表しますので、 続報をお見逃しなく!! 千葉翔也の今後のアーティスト活動も 応援よろしくお願いします
Shoya Chiba Artist Activity Update ③
Shoya Chiba's very first album is now in production!
Currently in the process of being created with great effort.
Details will be announced at a later date, so don’t miss the updates!
Please continue to support Shoya Chiba in his future artist activities as well!
According to Chiba, the album is currently in production.
More details about this album will be unveiled in the upcoming months. Watch this space for further updates.
Source: Shoya Chiba official artist website / Shoya Chiba official Twitter (now X) account