Shouta Aoi and Koutaro Nishiyama‘s TV show “Shouta-sama to shitsuji Nishiyama no Otawamure” makes its return this month.
Two years after its premiere on TV, Shouta Aoi and Koutaro Nishiyama‘s Shouta-sama to shitsuji Nishiyama no otawamure is back for a 2nd run.
The TV variety show returns on 29/04/2021 and airs on FujiTV TWO/TWOsmart.
This is a talkshow in which Aoi and Nishiyama invite popular 2.5D stage actors, actors, seiyuu and more.
A couple of promotional photos are out. Check those out in the twitter post below.
For more information about this TV show please visit Shouta-sama to shitsuji Nishiyama no otawamure‘s official website below.
SOURCE: FujiTV official twitter account / Shouta-sama to shitsuji Nishiyama no otawamure official website