Ryohei Kimura steps in for the first time as the MC for a variety show with “Kimuraism“. The first DVD hits stores this fall.
Ryohei Kimura‘s first variety show “Kimura Ryohei’s Kimuraism” is going to have its first DVD released on 26/10/2018. The variety show has Kimura and his guests engage in adult hobbies such as photography, golf, bouldering and cooking.
【特報】 #木村良平 さんによる初の冠DVD企画が始動!
インスタ映えする“大人の趣味”を見つけるため、ゲストと共に色々なことを体験していきます。ゲストは #岡本信彦 さんと #島﨑信長 さん!
7/6(金)に最新情報をお届けしますのでお楽しみに✨#キムライズム pic.twitter.com/xU6dVGi9CV— 【公式】木村良平のキムライズム@10/26DVD発売! (@kimura_ism) 29 de junho de 2018
Nobuhiko Okamoto and Nobunaga Shimazaki joined the show as guests for this DVD. Alongside Kimura, they played golf, cooked, prepared cocktails, took professional photos of their creations and did some bouldering.
For more details please refer to the links below. This DVD is available for pre-order at CDJAPAN.