The first details on RGB-Trinity‘s debut single are out.
RGB-Trinity consist of Toshiki Masuda, Yuma Uchida and Yusuke Kobayashi. Their debut single is titled 星屑インビテーション (Hoshikuzu Invention) and is planned for release in 2019.
The tracklist is the following:
1 - 星屑インビテーション 2 - DRAMA「三兄弟の再会」 3 - DRAMA「感じる力、伝える力」 4 - DRAMA「失意と覚醒」 5 - DRAMA「嵐のステージ」 6 - RGB 7 - 星屑インビテーション -Off Vocal- 8 - RGB -Off Vocal-
A promotional video was released.
More details are going to be unveiled in the upcoming months.