Stylish and emotional, Jin Ogasawara explores a dreamy soundscape as he lullabies you in the R&B tune “Yogaakeru”.
Title: よがあける Release date: 29/04/2022 Label: Beyond The Music/MAGES. Genre: R&B/Acoustic Pop
1 - よがあける
Track analysis:
1 – よがあける
The third chapter in the series of digital singles by Jin Ogasawara is here. “Yogaakeru” brings to the spotlight a dreamy sound with a loungy touch.
The verses are brief and smooth, riding on a simple beat, with emotional guitar riffs and a rhodes piano spreading good vibes. You’re literally taken to this cozy, warm soundscape while being lullabied by Jin Ogasawara.
When you get to the chorus you’ll fully understand what I just wrote. The instrumental brings in hi-hat triplets, adds a bit of a splash in those, and heightens the tension on the guitars, strings, and rhodes piano.
Accompanying that intensity come Ogasawara’s vocals however what impresses me the most is how intense yet so dreamy and gentle his performance is. This is an odd combo but he pulls it off quite naturally, leaving you in a half swooning, half impressed state.
Acoustic guitars and a piano join in the latter part of the song, cranking up that emotional vibe to “Yogaakeru”, something that I feel added the final touches to a song that had a fantastic instrumental, to begin with.
On the vocal end, Jin Ogasawara continues to show his cards, impressing with his versatility, vocal range, and skillset. For this song you’ll find him delivering most of the chorus with high notes – either really clear, head voice ones (with a slight touch of falsetto) or almost screamed, raw notes – as well as low, slow rapping.
The stylish way in which he raps in this song fits perfectly with the tone of the song and shows yet again another side to Ogasawara’s skills – that up until now hadn’t rapped in such a way.
Wrapping up the song with riffing on the vocal end is such a neat detail that feels like someone gently putting a blanket on top of your shoulders. At the same time, and especially if you are looping this song, the tie-up to the intro is perfect, being barely noticeable that the song is restarting.
The gentle, sweet tone in “Yogaakeru” is intoxicating. You’ll want to hear more of it. You’ll want that soundscape to be real. You’ll want to feel that warmth. This is that type of song that will make you wish a vibe could be turned into something palpable.
Laidback R&B with a touch of blues in the guitar work and a pinch of hip-hop in the hi-hat triplets beat is the perfect mix. Simple, effective. Timeless.
And on top, Jin Ogasawara sounds insanely comfortable and confident, delivering a mesmerizing performance oozing gentleness and care while with that unique edge he has to his voice that gives an extra spark to his performances.
“Yogaakeru” is yet another fantastic entry in Jin Ogasawara’s ongoing digital single series. Perfect mood, beautiful lyrics, and a performance that will leave you begging for more.
“Yogaakeru” is available for streaming on Spotify.
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