Impish Crow fire all cylinders for “Updraft”, cranking up the intensity to their sound, making quite the awesome entry in the “dice” series.
Impish Crow is an indie rock band fronted by TSUGUMI (CV: Yuma Uchida) with guitarist TOKI (CV: Takuya Eguchi), bassist MITSURU (CV: Wataru Hatano) and drummer HIBARI (CV: Shinnosuke Tachibana).

Title: DIG-ROCK ―dice― Type: IC Label: TEAM Entertainment Inc. Release date: 24/03/2021 Genre: Rock
1 - ハード・トレーニング 2 - お疲れ 3 - ヤバい! 4 - ぜんぜんダメだ 5 - 唯一無二のギター 6 - Updraft 7 - 狂犬の足音
Track analysis:
6 – Updraft
Impish Crow fire all cylinders for “Updraft”, cranking up the intensity to the sound with an explosive bass line, intense guitar riffs and bass-centric drums.
Right off the bat, what impressed me was the intro and how atmospheric it was, making good use of pedals on the guitars to add some reverb into them, creating a distant vibe to this song.
The verses are tight, with the instrumental following the unstoppable bass line, leading to a lower toned, darker sound to this song.
The chorus however, changes things a little bit, changing dynamics into a breathy, spacious soundstage in which the bass goes crazy, the drums are used to their fullest and the guitars pack quite the punch.
There are some synths + guitar riffs in the background that caught my attention. Nice accents to a song that, otherwise, would be too dark for Impish Crow.
Also, those splash hits on the drums were a nice touch to the chorus.
On the vocal end, Yuma Uchida delivers a performance that makes a decent use of his range and skillset. He’s performing the song mostly in a comfortable mid-tone but he brought to the table his falsetto and high notes, at least for the backing/pitch vocals.
This is a song that doesn’t sound like anything the band has released before. There’s a certain maturity in how the sound is presented, ditching the punk-rock influences and going darker, that hints at the band’s growth.
Easily one of the most enjoyable rock tunes Impish Crow has released, that’s for sure. Also, genuinely good entry in the “dice” CD series in the DIG-ROCK franchise.
DIG-ROCK ―dice― Type:IC is available for purchase at CDJAPAN.