Real Treasure Hunt returns for a second installment. This time the variety show explores Hakkeijima Sea Paradise, changing its cast as well as its locatiion from the rainy landscapes on the 1st DVD to the sunny Yokohama.
Takuya Sato, Kenji Akabane, Taku Yashiro, Natsuki Hanae, Daiki Hamano, Sho Nogami, Ryota Osaka, Yuto Uemura, Yuma Uchida, Yoshitaka Yamaya join the 2nd installment of “Real treasure hunt“.
The DVD is set to be released on 01/11/2017. It’s available in two editions: regular and animate (not on sale for overseas fans through convetional means).
The cover is the following:
A preview can be found on Marine Entertainment‘s official youtube channel.
The DVD comes with 2 discs. The 1st disc includes the treasure hunt and the 2nd one includes the already common, souvenir shopping showoff.
Real Treasure Hunt ” – Kaijin Poseidon wo Fuinseyo – in Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise” is available for pre-order on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.