Rejet unveiled additional details on Pythagoras Production’s “Big Bang Fes” Blu-ray and DVD.
“Big Bang Fes” was be held on 17/03/2018 and 18/03/2018 in Tokyo and counted with live performances by Marginal #4, Lagrange Point and Unicorn Jr..
「Marginal#4: Kiss kara Tsukuru Big Bang」Presents Pythagoras Production LIVE “Big Bang Fes” is going to be released on 19/12/2018 on Blu-ray and DVD.
The cover art is the following:
“Big Bang Fes” Blu-ray and DVD counts with over 3 hours of footage. The complete tracklist is the following:
01 - MARGINAL#4『100万回の愛革命(REVOLUTION)!』 02 - MARGINAL#4『Bingo!!!!』 03 - UNICORN Jr.『REAL?』 04 - UNICORN Jr.『アフターバーナー』 05 - LAGRANGE POINT『革命(Revolution)XX』 06 - LAGRANGE POINT『レッドブザービート』 07 - L&R『燃えよ!LOVE★MUSCLE』 08 - L『コ・コ・ロ・ヒ・ト・ツ』 09 - R『カラフル』 10 - Rui『Mr.StarrySky』 11 - Atom & Rui『HOT★SCRAMBLE』 12 - Atom『魂のノンストップラヴァー』 13 - UNICORN Jr.『ワガハイはネコである!!!』 14 - UNICORN Jr.『Lonely Silence Monster』 15 - UNICORN Jr.『PANDORA BOX』 16 - LAGRANGE POINT『愛、独裁―SAMURAI―』 17 - LAGRANGE POINT『Crystal Switch』 18 - LAGRANGE POINT『Nan-Boo-No-Mon-Ja-E』 19 - MARGINAL#4『WeMe!!!!』 20 - MARGINAL#4『OVER THE RAINBOW』 21 - Pythagoras★Allstar 『KISSから創造るBig Bang』 22 - Pythagoras★Allstar 『奇跡の星座-sign-』 23 - Pythagoras★Allstar 『WeMe!!!!』
Rejet confirmed that the Blu-ray/DVD will come with backstage footage (34 minutes) as well as a highlight video (20 minutes) and audio commentary on March 17’s performance.
「Marginal#4: Kiss kara Tsukuru Big Bang」Presents Pythagoras Production LIVE “Big Bang Fes” is available for pre-order at CDJAPAN.
SOURCE: Marginal #4 official website / Marginal #4 anime official twitter account