Pick-up Voice unveiled today the cover for their November issue featuring Hiroshi Kamiya!
The cover is the following:
ここでいち早く、次号Pick-upVoice 9/26発売の表紙画像をアップします!!
表紙巻頭は神谷浩史さんです♪ ぜひチェックしてみて下さい o(≧▽≦)o
※画像の転載は固くお断り致します。 pic.twitter.com/2vbi32Sit4— Pick-upVoice編集部 (@PuV_official) 15 de setembro de 2017
Last week, the magazine’s staff teased everyone with a photo of a man’s back asking their readers to guess who was going to be on the cover. Fans imediatelly recognized to whom that back belonged, days later the magazine confirmed that Hiroshi Kamiya was going to be on the cover of the magazine’s November issue. Today, Pick-up Voice released several snippets including Kamiya‘s photoshoot.
The first photoshoot snippets are out!
お待たせしました!Pick-upVoice 9/26発売号 特典付き通販予約の特典画像をアップします! まずは表紙巻頭特集 神谷浩史さんです! ※数量限定
※配送はDM便(250円)と宅配便(617円 ※沖縄・離島除く)があります。https://t.co/YMgS0EGNRp pic.twitter.com/myrxdcgI1p— Pick-upVoice編集部 (@PuV_official) 14 de setembro de 2017
Besides Kamiya‘s special cover and feature, the magazine has interviews/features with Hiro Shimono, Naozumi Takahashi, CLAW KNIGHTS, Ryusei Nakao and Toshihiko Seki. Previews were released today.
Pick-upVoice 9/26発売号 特典付き通販予約の特典画像、続いては下野 紘さんです! ※数量限定ですので、お早めに!!
※配送はDM便(250円)と宅配便(617円 ※沖縄・離島除く)があります。https://t.co/YMgS0EGNRp pic.twitter.com/xlL4iqw22P— Pick-upVoice編集部 (@PuV_official) 14 de setembro de 2017
Pick-upVoice 9/26発売号 特典付き通販予約の特典画像、続いてはClaw Knights(天野七瑠さん・森嶋秀太さん・岩永賢之丞さん・五十嵐巧巳さん)
※配送はDM便(250円)と宅配便(617円 ※沖縄・離島除く)https://t.co/YMgS0EGNRp pic.twitter.com/b2JDWkY5iZ— Pick-upVoice編集部 (@PuV_official) 14 de setembro de 2017
Pick-upVoice 9/26発売号 特典付き通販予約の特典画像、続いては中尾隆聖さん・関俊彦さんです! ※数量限定ですので、お早めに!!
※配送はDM便(250円)と宅配便(617円 ※沖縄・離島除く)があります。https://t.co/YMgS0EGNRp pic.twitter.com/cdzU8Pqkj0— Pick-upVoice編集部 (@PuV_official) 14 de setembro de 2017
Pick-upVoice 9/26発売号 特典付き通販予約の特典画像、続いては高橋直純さんです! ※数量限定ですので、お早めに!!
※配送はDM便(250円)と宅配便(617円 ※沖縄・離島除く)があります。https://t.co/YMgS0EGNRp pic.twitter.com/6XeZOgGDCf— Pick-upVoice編集部 (@PuV_official) 14 de setembro de 2017
This is the photo that stirred up Kamiya‘s fans and gave away his cover feature.
ここで恒例、次号9/26発売 Pick-upVoiceの表紙巻頭を飾ってくれる方の後ろ姿をアップします! 今月は簡単かな?! pic.twitter.com/K6wylHNVdg
— Pick-upVoice編集部 (@PuV_official) 7 de setembro de 2017
The new issue is going to be released on 26/09/2017. At the moment the pre-orders for this magazine aren’t open to overseas fans (these will open in a couple of days).
On another note: “Kamisama Connection“, Kamiya‘s 6th single, will be released in October. More details here.
[…] yet another cover feature for Hiroshi Kamiya. After scoring Seiyuu Animedia, Seiyuu Men and Pick-Up Voice, Kamiya is going to grace the cover of November’s Voice Animage. Shouta Aoi graces this […]