Pick-up Voice went today to their official Twitter account to tease their readers once again.
The following photo was unveiled on Pick-up Voice‘s official Twitter.
Upon releasing this photo, fans started to point out that seiyuu Tetsuya Kakihara might be the one featured on the cover of the upcoming issue. As per usual, the question is left in the air until Pick-up Voice‘s staff unveil in a couple of days who’ll grace the cover as well as the lineup for the upcoming issue.
[UPDATE] Pick-up Voice has confirmed that Tetsuya Kakihara is, in fact, the one gracing the cover of their upcoming issue.
たくさんのRT&リプ、そしていいね、ありがとうございました! さすが、みなさん大正解!! 次号、Pick-upVoice 1/26発売号の表紙巻頭を飾ってくれるのは柿原徹也さんです! 今回は季節にちなんだスペシャルフォトセッションもあるので楽しみにしていて下さいね(≧∇≦)/
— Pick-upVoice編集部 (@PuV_official) 5 de janeiro de 2018
The upcoming Pick-up Voice issue is going to be released on 26/01/2018. This issue is still unavailable for pre-order CDJAPAN for overseas fans.