Ohana, duo consisting of seiyuu Ryota Osaka and Natsuki Hanae, is set to make their first official release in under a month. Marine Entertainment released today the single’s cover art among other details.
“閃光アジテーター” (Flash Agitator) is scheduled to be released on 21/07/2017, available in two editions: regular and animate limited edition (note that animate’s version is only sold in Japan). The new single will replace their radio show’s (Osaka Shiritsu Hanae Gakuen) opening and ending themes.
The cover art is the following for each edition:
The tracklist will count with a total of 6 tracks, 3 songs and respective instrumental tracks. The song 「 空色のブックマーク 」 will be featured as the opening theme for their radio show and「 with you 」 will be the ending theme. The complete tracklist will be unveiled in the upcoming days.
“閃光アジテーター” is available for pre-order on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.
SOURCE: Marine Entertainment