Monthly TV Guide released a new batch of previews of Soma Saito’s feature.
Soma Saito is going to be featured on Monthly TV Guide‘s February 2020 issue.
Saito has a special gravure and interview on with the theme Looking back on work in 2019.
Previews of 3 from his feature are out.
A couple of previews of his feature were released. Note that each preview is from a bonus included with the magazine pre-ordered/purchased at Animate (there are different versions of this magazine – that include information on the TV guide for each Japanese prefecture).

Monthly TV Guide February 2020 hits stores on 13/12/2019.
On a side note: Soma Saito is going to release his 1st EP, my blue vacation, this month. Check THIS article for more details.
Monthly TV Guide February 2020 is available for purchase at CDJAPAN.
SOURCE: TV Guide official website / PR Times / TV Guide official twitter account