Monthly TV Guide unveiled the lineup for its August 2021 issue. Daisuke Namikawa, Soma Saito, Hiroshi Kamiya and Koutaro Nishiyama are featured in this issue.
Veteran seiyuu and singer, Daisuke Namikawa is going to be featured on Monthly TV Guide‘s August 2021 issue, set to hit stores on 24/06/2021.
Namikawa was interviewed about his 2nd full-length album “Ruts“.
At Animate stores across Japan, there will be different bromides depending on the prefecture where the magazine is bought.
The previews are the following (a note that each bromide is only available in those specific prefectures in Japan):
Also in this issue are Hiroshi Kamiya and Koutaro Nishiyama however, there are no details about the contents of their features.
Soma Saito continues his serialization feature for Monthly TV Guide, 斉藤壮馬の『つくりかた』。(Saito Soma no Tsukurikata).
For this feature, Saito interviews anime creators and voice actors close to him, exploring the charms of anime and “Soma Saito” himself. This month’s issue counts with the 2nd part of his interview with Haikyuu!!‘s (anime) scriptwriter, Taku Kishimoto.
Monthly TV Guide August 2021 is currently unavailable for purchase at CDJAPAN.
SOURCE: Monthly TV Guide official Twitter account / PR Times official website