In March 2024, Kent Ito arrived with his 2nd EP “Sain” and instantly impressed while Anthos* brought to the spotlight an intense CD with “ROOM”.
This and more in this article – and extended video – of MONTHLY REVIEW March 2024.
This month’s episode is all about the music released in March 2024.
March 2024 brought forth a couple of exciting CDs and yet another strong candidate for album of the year.
Kent Ito brings a vaporwave aesthetic in which retro sounds and futuristic vibes meld together in the nostalgic 2nd EP “Sain” (or “Sign”).
At the same time, Anthos* ran for their lives in search of liberation while delivering a series of impactful performances in “ROOM“.
As such, the standout releases in March 2024 were:
- Anthos* “ROOM”
- Kent Ito “Sain”
In the video version of this article – which covers many more CDs and features your comments – I also bring my impressions about a few CDs I recently reviewed.
Make sure to watch the episode!
Anthos* “ROOM”

Anthos* shows that the stakes are high in “ROOM” with an impending escape rushing them and making them run for it.
“Liberation” is the most violent and dark that Anthos* has sounded since their debut and oh boy, this is a massive tune. The EDM sound in this song is powerful, dirty, and urgent, something that will instantly sound new to this group.
Things changed around for “Clap! Clap! Clap”, song that proves once again why you shouldn’t just check the leading tracks for Anthos.
Anthos’s “ROOM” arrives to shake things up in the THINK OF ME CD series, making Anthos* run for their lives in search of liberation while reflecting on their wounds and their next steps in a series of impactful songs and performances.
Kent Ito “Sain”

Kent Ito went all in for the retro-futuristic vibes in the nostalgic 2nd EP “Sain” (or “Sign”).
In “Sain” there is a natural sense of freedom, and pure creativity – leading to some of the craziest and most unpredictable compositions or instrumentals you can find in Ito’s repertoire.
But you can still expect explosive – almost fantastic – danceable, bass-driven songs much in the style of what Ito delivered in his 1st EP, Hanabi (but cranked up to the maximum here!).
Kent Ito keeps showing why he’s one of the best singers among male seiyuu. His control is crazy, he never – ever – sounds like he is straying his voice or doing things he can’t do.
“Sain” is a flawless EP, Kent Ito’s best to date, and a good sign that things will only improve from now on.
As the name says, Monthly Review is a monthly feature in which I find yet another excuse to talk about male seiyuu music and 2D groups.
This is a feature in which I get on camera – unscripted (and usually looking a bit tired lol) – covering the most impressive/buzzworthy releases in any given month – and hidden gems that not many people may end up paying attention to -, counting on your participation as well in all 4 corners:
- Best of the month (3 best/buzzworthy/gems of every given month as picked by me + 3 suggested by THTFHQ readers
- Monthly Choice (3 CD suggestions by me – regardless of when the CDs were released – and 3 suggestions by THTFHQ readers)
- Music in the Horizon (a look at next month’s releases – it mixes my and your comments on upcoming releases by male seiyuu artists, bands, units, or 2D groups)
- Ask Vanessa (ask me anything about male seiyuu or 2D music, if you don’t ask, it turns into a “Soma Saito” corner)
Do you want to participate in MONTHLY REVIEW?
This show is a collaborative work between you and me, sharing our love for male seiyuu and 2D music projects. Don’t be shy to participate.
All this to say, don’t worry about not having perfect English writing or the sort, we all make mistakes and even I am not a native speaker – and typos are really my bread and butter here on the website – so don’t let that stop you from participating, should you want to!
As always, several times during the month, the survey to participate in next month’s episode is shared on THTFHQ’s social media (Facebook and Twitter) and on THTFHQ’s YouTube channel‘s community tab (make sure to subscribe to not miss the notification, or lurk if you don’t want to subscribe).
You can participate as many times as you want, I only ask that you avoid submitting the same answers in the various entries you make in this feature.
The goal is to feature as many CDs as possible, not to talk only about 1 or 2 CDs.
Please remember that these episodes are much more enjoyable with your insights. Every month I share a survey on social media for you to leave your impressions on new music.
Although only 3 people are chosen for each corner (less if there were fewer submissions), know I read them all. I read everything and keep being impressed by your musical sensibility!
THTFHQ’s community is filled with talented individuals, fans of good music, and voice acting. You geek as hard – or even more – about both things as I do!
If the links are not working, CLICK HERE to check the video.