Makoto Furukawa is gearing up for the release of his 1st full-length album, from fairytale.
from fairytale is the title of Makoto Furukawa’s 1st full-length album, scheduled to be released on 23/12/2020, and available in regular and limited editions.
The album is going to include previously released songs as well as 6 new songs and 2 instrumentals for a total of 13 tracks.
The tentative tracklist (in no specific order) is the following:
miserable masquerade 地図が無くても戻るから 本日モ誠ニ晴天也 道化師と♠︎(sadness) パトスのカタチ
The contents for each edition are the following:
- Regular: CD
- Limited: CD + DVD (music video + making of)
On CDJAPAN, pre-orders come with the following bonuses:
First Press Detail | application code (valid only in Japan) |
External Bonus | liner notes made by Makoto Furukawa |
More details on this release are going to be unveiled in the upcoming months.
from fairytale is available for pre-order at CDJAPAN.
SOURCE: Lantis
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