The cover for Machibito, movie directed by seiyuu Yoshiki Nakajima, is out.
Nakajima Yoshiki no The Create Presents Short Movie “Machibito” is a short movie directed by Yoshiki Nakajima, host and the one behind the creative variety show, “Nakajima Yoshiki no The Create” (premium broadcast show on Nico Nico).
The cover is the following:
The leading role in Machibito belongs to Fumiyoshi Shioya, seiyuu and member of IDOLM@STER SideM’s Legenders.
A comment video featuring Yoshiki and Shioya was released back in August.
『中島ヨシキのザックリエイト ショートムービー「待ち人」上映会&DVD先行発売イベント』が11/17にスペースFS汐留で開催!出演は中島ヨシキさん、汐谷文康さん、他
チャンネル会員向けチケット先行申込は9/7 22時よりスタート。詳細はこちら→ #ザックリ8— 中島ヨシキのザックリエイト公式 (@thecreate8) 17 de agosto de 2018
The short movie (around 75 minutes long) is going to be released on 19/12/2018.
“Machibito” is available for purchase at CDJAPAN.
Source: The Create official twitter account / The Create official blog
[…] The movie was released on DVD in December 2018. […]