M.O.E. return this summer with a new mini-album.
M.O.E‘s 9th mini-album is titled あの頃の想いがはじけるCD (Ano Koro no Omoi ga Hajikeru CD) and is scheduled to be released on 14/08/2019, available in two editions: regular and animate.
完成が楽しみです‼︎ pic.twitter.com/YEdIinCX9g— 羽多野渉 公式 (@hatano_official) 2 de maio de 2019
Hatano shared that he was recording a cover of 天使のゆびきり (Tenshi no yobikiri), song featured as the opening theme for the romance anime, Kare kano.
More details on this release are going to be unveiled in the upcoming months.