Liar-S‘s newest single is out. “Diamond eyes” provides us with a revisit to the past, as the band plays safe and remains in its confort zone. Without any further ado, let’s get this review started.
More information regarding the single:

Title: because the sky... Label: Asgard Release Date: 08/11/2017. Genre: J-rock
1 - Diamond eyes 2 - Flight to Nowhere 3 - Diamond eyes(Instrumental) 4 - Flight to Nowhere(Instrumental)
Track by track analysis:
1- Diamond eyes
To kick off Diamond eyes we have the guitar and drums playing in solo, later on giving way to the bass and Terashima‘s vocals. This track’s main focus is definitely the guitar, however we must say that its instrumental piece is a just a tad bit too similar to RISE’n SHINE, their debut track. The guitar and the intro are almost identical, but even the construction of the instrumental piece is almost always matching, though the chorus is different. 4/5Â
2- Flight to Nowhere
If Diamond eyes played it too safe, Flight to Nowhere presents us with splashy drums and a powerful and rocky guitar with some amazing riffs, that since they are always playing in the background begin to sound a little overpowering. Overall, Flight to Nowhere is a track with less vibes of “emo-rock” as Liar-SÂ is known for. Terashima‘s performance has certainly brought more emotion to the track and made it possible to wrap up the track’s instrumental piece while creating an interesting track, worth listening. 4.5/5
Final rating:
Diamond eyes was very similar to RISE’n SHINE. Though it is interesting to come back to the roots, we were expecting something new from the band. Aside from this, the track was pretty much uneventful, meaning that the formula of the instrumental piece remained the same, and though Liar-S are known for that we were hoping that in order to compensate the fact that the track itself was a reprise of their old songs, at least the instrumental would be a little bit better.
Flight to Nowhere on the other hand, presented us with a different genre of track from Liar-S as we can listen to a less emo-rock version of the band.
All in all, this single was fairly good, we just wished that Diamond eyes had not been so similar to RISE’n SHINE and that we had got a little more diversity from the band that has so much potential.
“Diamond eyes” is available for purchase on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.