Kiramune Music Festival 10th anniversary DAY 2 released on Youtube

Kirafes 10th anniversary

Kiramune released – for a limited period of time – Kiramune Music Festival 10th anniversary DAY 2.

From April 18 up until May 24, Kiramune will be releasing some of their live shows as well as several music clip collections on their channel.

Today, Kiramune released Kiramune Music Festival 10th anniversary DAY 2 – which is 4 hours long! Be ready to have an enjoyable break with this exciting live.

Make sure to check the live below!

Kiramune Music Festival 10th anniversary DAY 2


1 Get Together! (EXTRA TWINKLE VER.) (Kiramune☆ALL Stars)
2 ハジマリノソラ (SparQlew)
3 僕たちのHORIZON (SparQlew)
4 勝利の歌 (SparQlew)
5 HIYAKE!ダンシング (Daisuke Namikawa)
6 ドレスコード (Daisuke Namikawa)
7 誰からも愛されるあなたのように (Miyu Irino)
8 アジサイの花束 (Miyu Irino)
9 MASCLETA (Miyu Irino)
10 瞬間BEAT (Nobuhiko Okamoto)
11 Want you (Nobuhiko Okamoto)
12 U~君がいてくれたから~ (Trignal)
13 ESCOLTA  (Trignal)
14 はじまりのうた (Hiroyuki Yoshino)
15 レイニーナイター (Hiroyuki Yoshino)
16 mille crepe (Hiroshi Kamiya)
17 君のためのラプソディ (Hiroshi Kamiya)
18 咲いちゃいな (Tetsuya Kakihara)
19 君はどう思ってるの (Tetsuya Kakihara)
21 BREAKTHROUGH!~みっちゃんけんちゃん人生道中歌栗毛~ (CONNECT)
23 Collab medley ー DAY2
 1. ありがとうの魔法
 3. Cheers!!  
 4. 無責任×アンリミテッド 
 5. Love Express 
 6. LOVE 'N' BOMB 
24 Pride (CONNECT)
25 Glory days (CONNECT)
26 Say Hello (CONNECT)
27 見果てぬ世界、繋がる想い (Miyu Irino)
28 Medley (Miyu Irino)
 2. Zero
 3. Faith
 4. DICE
29 L’ambition (Daisuke Namikawa)
30 Faded Photograph (Daisuke Namikawa)
31 夜咲きの勿忘草 (Daisuke Namikawa)
32 Q Wanted (SparQlew)
33 Red&White (SparQlew)
34 冒険者 (Nobuhiko Okamoto)
35 Lost universe (Nobuhiko Okamoto)
36 Braver (Nobuhiko Okamoto)
37 愛よ激情~マタドールは宙を舞う~ (Uncle Bomb)
38 進ませろ!(Tetsuya Kakihara)
39 前進アッペンダン↑^_^↓ (Tetsuya Kakihara)
40 カントリーロード (Tetsuya Kakihara)
42 Blazing (Trignal)
43 Update A Day (Trignal)
44 愛しさのコントラスト (Trignal)
45 情熱アンソロジー (Hiroyuki Yoshino)
46 リカバリ哀歌 (Hiroyuki Yoshino)
47 The END (Hiroyuki Yoshino)
48 HA-RE? GO! (Hiroshi Kamiya)
49 GLORIOUS TIME (Hiroshi Kamiya)
50 贅沢な時間 (Hiroshi Kamiya)

Recently, THTFHQ compiled a wide array of variety shows, music, live shows and games for you to be entertained while in lockdown at the same time you’re directly – and legally – supporting your favorite male seiyuu.

Check out our Ultimate Entertainment Guide for Male Seiyuu Fans!

Male seiyuu have been challenging each other on social media and we have the Ultimate Entertainment Guide for you will all the cool stuff you can watch during lockdown!

SOURCE: Kiramune official website

Vanessa Silva
Vanessa Silva
The Hand That Feeds HQ founder, content creator, and music reviewer. Basically, the only person managing everything at The Hand That Feeds HQ. Stumbling upon Mamoru Miyano's "Orpheus" in 2011 was the start of this journey. If music is thought-provoking or deep, you may find her writing almost essays (not limited to, but it happens a lot with Soma Saito's music). She's the producer and host of the male seiyuu-centric podcast, SEIYUU LOUNGE (see Spotify link in this profile).

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