KiLLER KiNG go for quite the loungy, groovy sound with their new single, “Good Liar“. This mature take on their sound made them shine.

Title: Good Liar Release date: 11/11/2020 Label: MAGES. Genre: Pop
1 - Good Liar 2 - 虹色プリズム 3 - Good Liar - Off Vocal - 4 - 虹色プリズム - Off Vocal -
Track by track analysis:
1 – Good Liar
“Good Liar” creates quite the refreshing soundscape for KiLLER KiNG. The talented group is at center stage in a classy venue with jazzy, snary drums laying down a warm beat.
Playful brass adds an elegant touch to this danceable song while a Rhodes piano and vibes enrich the background.
Count as well with funky guitar riffs and a massive, groovy bass line and you have the perfect recipe for a catchy and fancy jazz-pop song that will refuse to leave your head.
Unexpected Rhodes piano solo had me going. Awesome stuff right there.
Vocals wise, KiLLER KiNG display a lot of confidence and charisma in this performance. Loved their chemistry and dynamics. Awesome group effort.
2 – Nijiro Prism
“Nijiro Prism” goes back to the group’s original bright, youthful sound. The song kicks off with bright synths yet with a bit of melancholy in the mix.
The verses are quite simple and surprisingly contained. I was expecting for the composers to go crazy on the synths like back in the day but, thankfully, this is a more mature take on a bright, peppy pop song.
Expect the verses to have delicate strings and beautiful piano melodies in the background as electric guitars and simple drums set a comfortable rhythm for this song.
The chorus is overflowing with warmth and gentleness, something that has been a trademark for KiLLER KiNG since their debut.
Enjoyable, sweet song with equally warm vocals on top.
Final considerations
I love the loungy sound that KiLLER KiNG had going in “Good Liar“. I wasn’t expecting them to go the funky and groovy route for this single so it came as a pleasant surprise.
As soon as that punchy bass line in “Good Liar” – the song – started playing, I knew that this would be my jam.
The soundscape is quite entertaining and elegant at the same time, with jazz and funk making sure that you have a blast.
The sound is tasteful and quite contained, something that fits the group’s vocals rather well.
I’m not a fan of bright, peppy pop tunes – a big reason why I wasn’t a fan of KiLLER KiNG in the past – but Nijiro Prism is quite the interesting spin on that type of music, doing so in a gentle, mature way, avoiding going bonkers in the synths to convey those intense and warm feelings.
When it comes to the vocals, I need to add a couple of words. As a group, singing in unison, KiLLER KiNG sound really well however, individually there are still some places where the group lacks.
Taku Yashiro can’t go for high notes, yet, he keeps getting parts with those, ending up sounding like he’s straining himself to hit those. He ends up sounding way too nasal and he’s not even close in terms of the key that was required of him to hit.
What is frustrating is that Yashiro can do quite the awesome job if he stays in those warm mid-tones of his. His voice tone is also unique so it adds some flavor to the performances.
However, I don’t understand why the producers keep giving him high notes to tackle when he keeps struggling with those.
If I wanted the group that I am producing to shine and if I saw one of the voice actors struggling with something in their performance, I’d change parts accordingly to make them sound good. But that’s just me.
This may seem like nitpicking for you – and it is fair of you to think so, you don’t know me – but it’s honestly frustrating that MAGES. still hasn’t figured out that Yashiro can’t do high notes.
On a positive note, Koutaro Nishiyama seems to keep on improving, with his voice tone less nasally and packing a bit more power in his delivery.
Shoya Chiba and Takuya Eguchi are the pillars in this group, proving both the deep, robust low tones and the clear high notes and mellowed mid-tones that make the group shine.
All in all, KiLLER KiNG’s “Good Liar” is a genuinely good single coming from what is one of my favorite units in the B-PROJECT franchise. There’s still a lot of room to improve but, as it is, this is an awesome single.
Good Liar is available for purchase at CDJAPAN.