After 3 years without releasing a variety DVD, Kent Ito and Yoshiki Nakajima are back with a new “Muchu ni Naru” DVD.
伊東健人と中島ヨシキが夢中になるDVD3~金沢旅~ (Ito Kento to Nakajima Yoshiki ga Muchu ni Naru DVD3 ~ Kanazawa Tabi ~) is going to be released on 30/09/2022.
The duo visited Kanazawa for this DVD.
The cover is the following:

The contents/chapters of the DVD are the following:
1 - 金沢旅スタート!
2 - 市場で海鮮爆食!
3 - スイーツ満喫! in ひがし茶屋街
4 - 上手くできるかな!? 和菓子作り体験!!
5 - 歴史を学ぶ。兼六園と金沢城さんぽ
6 - 割烹料理とお酒。
A promotional video is out. Check it out in the tweet below.
Ito Kento to Nakajima Yoshiki ga Muchu ni Naru DVD3 ~ Kanazawa Tabi ~ is available for purchase at CDJAPAN.
Source: Amazon Japan