Yahoo Asia Buzz Awards, an annual event that features some of the most influential stars in Asia during a certain year based on statistics from Yahoo’s search engine, has awarded Junichi Suwabe.
Junichi Suwabe, 45, won the “Seiyuu Award” at 2017 Yahoo Asia Buzz Awards.
The veteran seiyuu couldn’t attend the ceremony but went to his personal blog to thank everyone for this accolade as well as to give an insight on his 23-year career as a seiyuu, radio personality, and narrator, and how much the seiyuu industry has changed since he set foot on it.
Suwabe mentions that he thinks that due to the various characters, he’s had an opportunity to voice during this past year as well as music, live events, attending overseas conventions as a guest, radio shows, and fan support, all led to him winning this award.
Suwabe ends his speech by thanking everyone for their continued support and shares his hopes and wishes to meet his fans in the upcoming year with more roles and interesting projects as well as he’ll keep working on improving his skills.
During 2017, Suwabe was one of the most buzzworthy seiyuu in the business. Some Japanese media mentions Suwabe‘s roles on Yuri On Ice!! (Oct 2016) and more recently Dies Irae (Oct 2017) has contributed to that popularity.
Also, a parody Suwabe did on his Twitter account early this year (around January and March) went viral in Japan, shooting his followers on Twitter up to 1 million.
Congratulations are in order!
SOURCE: Junichi Suwabe official blog / Yahoo Official Twitter account