Takuya Eguchi, Kaito Ishikawa, Yoshiki Nakajima and Koutaro Nishiyama join cast of “Jekyll and Hyde” reading play.
Musica reading announced the cast for the upcoming reading + musical play, “Jekyll and Hyde“.
Seiyuu Takuya Eguchi, Kaito Ishikawa, Yoshiki Nakajima and Koutaro Nishiyama have joined the cast for this special reading play.
The play is scheduled for three sessions: 20/03, 21/03 and 23/03.
On 20/03, Takuya Eguchi performs the role of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde alongside Yoshiki Nakajima, that performs the role of Utterson.
On 23/03 Kaito Ishikawa is the one in charge of performing the role of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde whereas Koutaro Nishiyama performs the role of Utterson.
For more details about this reading play, please refer to Musica reading‘s official website.
SOURCE: Musica reading official twitter account / Musica reading official website