An unfortunate piece of news coming for JAZZ-ON!, the only 2D music project that put the spotlight completely on the beauty and fun of jazz music.
What is JAZZ-ON!?
JAZZ-ON! is a Jazz music project created by Akatsuki Inc. To get to know better about the story and each group including key visuals and first song previews, check THIS article.
Hoshikuzu Ryodan consist of Makoto Furukawa, Yoshiki Nakajima, Kento Ito, Yoshiki Murakami, Haruki Ishiya, Kengo Kawanishi, Takeaki Masuyama and Shun Horie.
SwingCATS consist of Yuki Yonai, Wataru Komada, Shunichi Toki, Toshinari Fukamachi, Genki Okawa, Makoto Ishii, Arthur Lounsbery and Shinichiro Kamio.
It was announced last month, via an official statement on JAZZ-ON!’s official website and Twitter account, that with the release of the drama track “My JAZZ-ON! Your JAZZ”, the franchise will be going on a temporary hiatus.
According to the official statement, this announcement was to be made earlier this year during the cast event “My JAZZ-ON! Your JAZZ” that, unfortunately, ended up being cancelled due to Covid-19 protocols.
The content/updates roadmap for the franchise before going “dark” is the following:
- Members’ Birthday Tweets until June 2023
- New Year’s Day Tweets 2023
Official website
- No updates as of July 2022
You can read the official statement (in Japanese) in the tweet below.
For more details, please refer to JAZZ-ON!’s official website (link below).
SOURCE: JAZZ-ON! official website