JAZZ-ON! franchise are back at full speed in 2020.
JAZZ-ON! is a project created by Akatsuki Inc. To get to know better about the story and each group including key visuals and first song previews, check THIS article.
Swing CATS consist of Yuki Yonai, Wataru Komada, Shunichi Toki, Toshinari Fukamachi, Genki Okawa, Makoto Ishii, Arthur Lounsbery and Shinichiro Kamio.
Hoshikuzu Ryodan consist of Makoto Furukawa, Yoshiki Nakajima, Kento Ito, Yoshiki Murakami, Haruki Ishiya, Kengo Kawanishi, Takeaki Masuyama and Shun Horie.
The franchise is going to release 3 consecutive CDs in the first quarter of the coming year.
JAZZ-ON! Sessions 「星屑寄れば文殊の知恵」(Hoshikuzu yoreba monju no chie) is scheduled to be released on 21/02/2020, available in regular edition.
The tracklist is the following:
01.Exodus from 東京エンダーメフィスト 星屑旅団JAZZアレンジバージョン (performed by Yoshiki Nakajima and Kengo Kawanishi) 02.トウモロコシ畑のヌムホグ 星屑旅団JAZZアレンジバージョン (performed by Takeaki Masuyama and Haruki Ishiya) 03.星屑旅団 Drama Tracks #3 04.星屑旅団 Drama Tracks #4
JAZZ-ON! Sessions 「Raining Cats」 is scheduled to be released on 25/03/2020, available in regular edition.
The tracklist is the following:
01.ふたりのバラード (performed by Shunichi Toki and Wataru Hatano) 02.Lonely Junction (performed by Arthur Lounsbery and Shinichiro Kamio) 03.SwingCATS Drama Tracks #3 04.SwingCATS Drama Tracks #4
The third release, still untitled, is scheduled to be released on 24/04/2020, available in regular edition.
The tracklist is the following:
01.Now or never (performed by Shunichi Toki and Genki Okawa) 02.千本桜 星屑旅団JAZZアレンジバージョン (performed by Makoto Furukawa and Yoshiki Nakajima) 03.JAZZ-ON! Drama Tracks #1 04.JAZZ-ON! Drama Tracks #2 05.JAZZ-ON! Drama Tracks #3
More details on all these releases are going to be unveiled in the upcoming months.
SOURCE: JAZZ-ON! official website