Buster Bros!!! is a rap crew representing Ikebukuro that consists of Subaru Kimura, Haruki Ishiya, Kouhei Amasaki, the crew is set to release its first CD in October.
For those that have been out of the loop:
“Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle-” is a large scale project that was created by Idea Factory and Otomate in collaboration with King Records EVIL LINE RECORDS. 12 seiyuu are split into 4 rap crews with each CD being released every three weeks. For more information click HERE.
“Buster Bros!!! Generation” is the title of the first CD. It’s scheduled to be released on 25/10/2017.
The album counts with three rap songs and drama track(s).
More details on this release will be unveiled in the upcoming months. Be on the look out for more updates from us.
“Buster Bros!!! Generation” is available for pre-order on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.