Hi!Superb are back with big news.
Hi!Superb are going to release their 1st full-length album. Hi!Buddy!! is scheduled to be released on 17/07/2019.
🌟Hi!Superb 1st Album07.17発売決定!
🌟Hi!Superb SUMMER LIVE2019 in ZeppTokyo 08.24開催決定!
🌟Hi!Superb 1st AnniversaryLive「Brand New Hi!」映像化決定!#ハイシュパ #HiSuperb #SPINNS pic.twitter.com/0KssLKd5h5— Hi!Superb_OFFICIAL (@hisuperb) 2 de maio de 2019
At the same time, the group announced a new live. Hi!Superb SUMMER LIVE2019 on 24/08/2019 at Zepp Tokyo, a collaboration cafe & shop and a collaboration with SPINNS.
More details on the album and live are going to be unveiled in the upcoming months.