Hi!Superb still haven’t made their official debut but they are hard at work promoting themselves before the release of their debut single.
Hi!Superb, 2.5D unit created by LOVE&ART (behind B-PROJECT) that counts with an exclusively actor cast, is going to hold a special mini live + fan event this month.
“Hi!Superb MINI LIVE in 下北沢GARDEN” is going to be held at Shimokitazawa GARDEN in Tokyo on 04/05/2018.
The quintet is going to perform live songs from their debut single “Turn Into Love“, scheduled to be released later that month. There’ll be a high touch event as well as fans will get the opportunity to pre-order Hi!Superb‘s single directly at the venue.
For more details on this event please check their official website (link below).
To get to know more about this unit as well as news about their debut single, please refer to these articles – HERE and HERE.
SOURCE: Hi!Superb official website / Hi!Superb official twitter account