The popular sports anime Kuroko no Basket turns 10 years old this year and GRANRODEO was chosen to compose a song to celebrate the feat.
ゼロステップ (Zero Step) is the title of Kuroko no Basket’s 10th-anniversary special song performed by GRANRODEO featuring Kensho Ono (the voice of the series’ protagonist, Kuroko).
The single is scheduled to be released on 15/03/2023, available in GRANRODEO and Kuroko no Basket editions.
The cover art is the following for each edition:
The tracklist is the following for each edition:
1. ゼロステップ 2. ゼロステップ -GRANRODEO ver.- 3. ゼロステップ (OFF VOCAL)
Kuroko no Basket edition
1. ゼロステップ 2. ゼロステップ (OFF VOCAL)
More details on this special song are going to be unveiled in the upcoming weeks.
“Zero Step” is available for purchase at CDJAPAN.
GRANRODEO feat. Kensho Ono
GRANRODEO feat. Kensho Ono
SOURCE: Lantis / GRANRODEO official website