fine, unit part of the Ensemble Stars franchise and consisting of Hikaru Midorikawa, Takuya Eguchi, Ayumu Murase and Kotaro Hashimoto, has released more details about their new single release.
The quartet is going to release “Ensemble Stars! Unit Song CD 3rd Series vol.3 fine“, single scheduled to hit the stores on 06/09/17.
The cover art is the following:
The tracklist is the following:
1.Miracle Dream Traveler 2.Tryst of Stars 3.Miracle Dream Traveler (off vocal) 4.Tryst of Stars (off vocal)
The single’s preview video is already up on Frontier Works‘ official youtube channel.
“Ensemble Stars! Unit Song CD 3rd Series vol.3 fine” is available for pre-order on CDJAPAN for all overseas fans.
fine (Eichi Tenshoin, Yuduru Hibiki, Tori Himemiya, Yuzuru Fushimi)
For more information about all Ensemble Stars’ releases don’t forget to visit the offical official twitter account and website.