ELEKITER ROUND 0 is a seiyuu unit/band consisting of Satoshi Hino and Shinnosuke Tachibana that has released so far 4 mini-albums since their debut in 2010 and impress with their explosive pop-rock songs.
After the delays regarding the release that made a lot of people beyond angry when they heard the possibility of the albums being postponed to only be released in the Winter of 2014, here comes the official release dates for the long-awaited two mini-album releases. The news is brought by the band’s label, Marine Entertainment, twitter account this morning.
【ER0おしらせ01】『ELEKITER ROUND 0』[日野聡さん、立花慎之介さん]の5th.&6th.ミニアルバムの発売日が決定しました。5th.ミニアルバム2014年2月26日発売予定、6th.ミニアルバム2014年3月26日発売予定です。
— マリン・エンタテインメント(女性向け) (@Marine_ENT) November 25, 2013
So this turns out to be a good news today. ELEKITER ROUND 0 have scheduled two different release dates:
- 26/02/14 Regarding the release if the yet untitled 5th mini-album
- 26/03/14 for the release of the 6th mini-album, also untitled at the moment
One month between releases seems pretty good since these two mini-albums are some of the most awaited releases since the announcement made on MSWL 2013 (early 2013) regarding the double release this Winter that ended up backfire on the duo. The wait has been long but in the end it will worth.
Marine Entertainment has already revealed some details regarding each mini-album and the goods that will be part of the preorders or special offers in Japan, mainly regarding the Animate version of the album will have some rare goods.
【ER0おしらせ02】『ELEKITER ROUND 0』[日野聡さん、立花慎之介さん]5thと6th両ミニアルバムともに『新曲4曲+ボーナストラック8曲』を収録予定。全国各店舗・通販で発売の『豪華盤』『通常盤』と、アニメイトのみで販売の『アニメイト限定盤』の計3仕様ございます。
— マリン・エンタテインメント(女性向け) (@Marine_ENT) November 25, 2013
【ER0おしらせ03】『ELEKITER ROUND 0』[日野聡さん、立花慎之介さん]5thと6thの両ミニアルバム共に『アニメイト限定盤』の特典はトークCD&フォトブック予定。『豪華盤』特典はDVD(PV+メイキング映像収録予定)です。PVに豪華ゲスト登場、櫻井孝宏さんです!
— マリン・エンタテインメント(女性向け) (@Marine_ENT) November 25, 2013
The animate limited edition version of both albums will have a Talk CD & photo book of course, exclusive in Japan or available using a proxy.
The deluxe edition (it’s not specified if for the 5th or the 6th mini-album) comes with a DVD with the PV + Making of. The PV counts with the appearance of multi-talented seiyuu Takahiro Sakurai.
Already known info:
ELEKITER ROUND φ 5th. Mini album (temporary title)
[Deluxe Edition]
Price: ¥ 3,150
Benefits: DVD (PV + making of the video)
[Regular Edition]
Price: ¥ 2,100
Total of 12 songs: 4 new songs + 8 bonus tracks
ELEKITER ROUND φ 6th. Mini album (temporary title)
[Deluxe Edition]
Price: ¥ 3,150
Benefits: DVD (PV + making of the video)
[Regular Edition]
Price: ¥ 2,100
As soon as more information about both mini-albums surface we will update this news. Cover art, tracklists and bonus are still an unknown especially for those that will acquire the mini-albums via CDJAPAN.
More info on http://www.marine-e.net/sp/er0/discography.html and on Marine_ENT.