D.A.T, mostly known as talented seiyuu Daisuke Ono and Takayuki Kondo, has announced later last year the release of their follow up to “VS / SWEET NEST” single. This month more details regarding the new release have surfaced.
The duo released last year their first single “VS / SWEET NEST” that was also used as the show’s first opening and ending themes and features a rather impressive and mesmerizing performance by both seiyuu on the pv for “VS”.
The new single “NOCTURNE -drastic dance-/Blue moon” is scheduled to be released this Spring but regarding a fixed date of release there’s no talk about it. The single is already on rotation on their radio show. You can hear a snippet HERE.
The group was born from “Dragon & Tiger 夢冒険” popular radio show aired on Nippon Cultural Broadcasting hosted by OnoD and Takayuki Kondo every Saturday night.
The single is going to be available in two editions for overseas fans: regular and limited edition. It will be a total of 4 tracks and the limited edition comes with the PV and the making of for “NOCTURNE -drastic dance-“. In Japan there will be another edition to add to these ones: Animate Limited Edition but there are no details revealed so far about the contents of that edition. It’s already available for preorder on Marine Entertainment’s store but it’s only available for people in Japan (you can follow the last link given on the page for that). As soon as the single is available on CDJAPAN we will update this piece.
SOURCE(s): http://www.marine-e.net/sp/dat/discography.html / http://www.marine-e.net/artist/index.html