And it’s official! Marine Entertainment have officially announced that D.A.T. are back. The charismatic duo consisting of Daisuke Ono and Takayuki Kondo bring us their first Best Of album.
More details under the cuff.
D.A.T are back with new music, a Best Of album, scheduled to be released on 22/04/2016.
The tracklist counts with a total of 10 tracks. The already known singles and B-sides are featured on this release: VS, Sweet nest, NOCTURNE-drastic dance-, Blue moon, 破壊と創造, CHANGE THE WORLD, Buddy. Joining this tracklist come three new tracks, a new duet track and 2 individual songs. Takayuki Kondo pens one of the new tracks “ELEGY~cruel sky~” that is set as the promotional track for this release.
Two editions are set to be released: regular and animate limited edition. More details about these will be unveiled in the following weeks regarding the editions’ contents, cover art, teaser video and more. Be on the lookout for more updates from us.
In a series of tweets, the japanese label unveiled the details regarding this release.
— マリン[女性向け情報]MSWL&R (@Marine_ENT) 14 fevereiro 2016
【D.A.T情報02】近藤孝行さん作詞の新曲「ELEGY~cruel sky~」、D.A.T初の試みとなる小野大輔さん、近藤孝行さんのソロ曲の新曲3曲を含む全10曲収録予定。アニメイト限定豪華盤、豪華盤には過去のMVと新作「ELEGY~cruel sky~」MVも収録します。
— マリン[女性向け情報]MSWL&R (@Marine_ENT) 14 fevereiro 2016
・『VS』『Sweet nest』『NOCTURNE-drastic dance-』『Blue moon』『破壊と創造』『CHANGE THE WORLD』『Buddy』— マリン[女性向け情報]MSWL&R (@Marine_ENT) 14 fevereiro 2016
【D.A.T情報04】ベストアルバムの発売日は2016年4月22日発売予定。アニメイト限定豪華盤・豪華盤・通常盤の3仕様を同日にリリースします。 他、続報につきましては当アカウントでおしらせさせていただきます。
※D.A.T(小野大輔さん、近藤孝行さん)— マリン[女性向け情報]MSWL&R (@Marine_ENT) 14 fevereiro 2016